Batman: All 10 Batmobiles ranked from worst to best

Photo: Batman / Warner Bros. Studios, Image Courtesy Fathom Events Press (Batman 80th Anniversary)
Photo: Batman / Warner Bros. Studios, Image Courtesy Fathom Events Press (Batman 80th Anniversary)
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Batwoman, Batmobile, Batman
Batwoman — “What Happened to Kate Kane?” — Image Number: BWN201fg_0034r — Pictured: Warren Christie as Bruce Wayne/Tommy Elliot — Photo: The CW — © 2020 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

10. The Arrowverse Batmobile

Appeared in: Batwoman (seasons 2 – 3)

Batwoman‘s first season didn’t feature the Batmobile because it would have been pretty expensive to make one on a TV budget. However, the second season officially introduced it, revealing that it was hidden within the walls of the Batcave this whole time.

Again, we have to acknowledge that we’re talking about the second season of a network TV series here, so the budget wasn’t big enough to include a cinematic Batmobile, but they did the best with what they could.

The Arrowverse show opted for a modified Corvette C7, so its completely believable that it would be able to speed through the streets of Gotham in the way that it does. It’s smooth, sure, but it also features some impressive weaponry, including Bat-cables, and a powerful booster that allows it to make seemingly impossible jumps.

Perhaps its best feature is the black and red modifications that make it feel like a real throwback to the classic Batmobile form the 1966 TV series. A welcome tribute to one of the most iconic versions of the legendary vehicle.

Yes, it’s not the most Bat-tastic of the Batmobiles, but considering everything Batwoman had to work with, it was a welcome addition to the legendary collection of Batmobiles. And it was a delight to see Javicia Leslie’s Ryan Wilder get behind the wheel whenever she did.