All 4 The Mummy movies ranked from worst to best
4. The Mummy (2017)
Alright, let’s completely ignore that rule I just made and talk about that time Tom Cruise decided to wrestle with ancient Egyptian curses and the undead. When Universal Pictures unveiled their grand plans for a Dark Universe, we waited filled with both dread and excitement to see how they would reboot our untouchable Mummy franchise. With the Marvel Cinematic Universe still going strong, and Legendary and Warner Bros. launching a MonsterVerse, shared universes were all the rage (And in many ways still are), and Universal tried to do the same with this one.
With Cruise at the helm, many expected a high-octane adventure, and we did get some intense action sequences. However, as many of us discovered, even a star as bright as Cruise might struggle to shine when navigating through the sands of an uneven script and a somewhat muddled storyline.
Now, don’t get me wrong. The Mummy reboot had its moments. Those gravity-defying stunts and a fresh spin on the age-old tale we all know like the back of our hands brought some… interesting elements to the table. Yet, when stacked against its predecessors, this reboot lacks what made the franchise special to begin with – the familiar heart and humor, becoming somewhat lost in its own ambitions.
It’s a bit like finding an ancient artifact that looks shiny on the outside, but you’re not quite sure where it fits in the grander scheme of the collection. A valiant effort, for sure, but this Mummy might’ve needed a tad more time in the tomb to truly find its footing. Or, you know, just not come out to play.