The 8 best (and 7 worst) Arrowverse couples

Arrow -- "Brotherhood" -- Image AR407A_0036b.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak -- Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW -- © 2015 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Arrow -- "Brotherhood" -- Image AR407A_0036b.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak -- Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW -- © 2015 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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Legends of Tomorrow, Legends of Tomorrow season 5, Arrowverse, Sara, Ava
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow — “The One Where We’re Trapped on TV” — Image Number: LGN514b_0703b.jpg — Pictured (L-R): Caity Lotz as Sara Lance/White Canary and Jes Macallan as Ava Sharpe — Photo: Jack Jack Rowand/The CW — © 2020 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Sara Lance and Ava Sharpe

Show: DC’s Legends of Tomorrow

Sara Lance was a badass assassin-turned-leader who had seen it all, determined to guide her team through the most chaotic of adventures, even if it meant doing so without an advantage or game plan. Ava Sharpe was a reserved director equally committed to her team, but determined to map out the risks and rewards of every mission with a game-plan always at hand. They were destined to get in each other’s way.

Two sides of the same coin, Sara and Ava were on opposing sides, but the chemistry between these two equals soon saw them fall madly in love with each other. From Ava’s decision to be there for the Legends during a difficult time to Sara showing her the unlikely beauty in the chaotic life of the Legends, the pair soon found common ground. And from there, one of the Arrowverse’s strongest relationships blossomed.

Sara and Ava show each other different aspects of the world and themselves that they may never have seen on their own, but they also respect each other and who they are. When they say “Co-Captains for Life”, that doesn’t just mean on the Waverider, it means in life too, for the pair are partners in every sense of the word.

Legends of Tomorrows unjust cancellation after seven seasons robbed us off the perfect ending to their story, but something tells us that the two wives with an alien baby on the way found their way to a happy ending.

Verdict: BEST