13. Star Trek: Picard
Coming right at the bottom of our Star Trek series ranking, we unfortunately find the biggest disappointment in Star Trek history. At least in my opinion. That is none other than Star Trek: Picard.
Twenty years after his last sighting, we’re reunited with an elderly Jean-Luc Picard who, with a crew of very unlikely allies, seeks to right the wrongs of his past as he faces his own demons.
The return of Picard, the most iconic figure in the franchise is unfortunately overshadowed by the fact that the show just doesn’t live up to expectations. And it’s all down to a lackluster cast of characters, unsurprising villains, and a storyline that leaves a lot to be desired – and it, quite frankly, doesn’t make a lot of sense. The show, unfortunately, is most successful when it fills us with nostalgia and focuses on Picard himself.
Though the third season is a much better outing than the previous two, I lost interest very early on, and it felt more like an attempt to make Star Trek relevant again, since a lot of its older fans weren’t too thrilled with Discovery. A waste of potential, Picard sits on the worst spot on my list and it hurts.