Batman: All 11 Batgirl actresses ranked from worst to best

American ballet dancer and actress Yvonne Craig, best known for her role as Batgirl from the US TV series 'Batman', UK, 23rd September 1967. (Photo by Len Trievnor/Express/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
American ballet dancer and actress Yvonne Craig, best known for her role as Batgirl from the US TV series 'Batman', UK, 23rd September 1967. (Photo by Len Trievnor/Express/Hulton Archive/Getty Images) /
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10. Dina Meyer

Appeared in: Birds of Prey

Birds of Prey is an unusual relic of a bygone era but it kind of felt like that when it was airing too. Much of the presentation of the show felt dated for the early 2000s (especially as the superhero TV genre was essentially just surviving on Smallville alone) and its storytelling left a little to be desired.

That being said, Dina Meyer did a great job as Barbara Gordon. This version is based on the post-1986 comics in which the character is paralyzed from the waist down after being shot by The Joker, ending her career as Batgirl. This is something Barbara comes to terms with on the show, as she leads the Birds of Prey in their bid to protect the city during Batman’s absence. It also makes her the first live-action adaptation of Barbara’s Oracle persona.

One thing that does hold up for Birds of Prey is the Batgirl suit, which Meyer briefly wore in the second half of the season. Sure, it’s an altered version of Alicia Silverstone’s suit from Batman and Robin, but far more comic-accurate. And that just makes us wish the show had been given the chance to go on past its first season.

It goes without saying, but Meyer’s Batgirl looked amazing.