Batman: All 11 Batgirl actresses ranked from worst to best

American ballet dancer and actress Yvonne Craig, best known for her role as Batgirl from the US TV series 'Batman', UK, 23rd September 1967. (Photo by Len Trievnor/Express/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
American ballet dancer and actress Yvonne Craig, best known for her role as Batgirl from the US TV series 'Batman', UK, 23rd September 1967. (Photo by Len Trievnor/Express/Hulton Archive/Getty Images) /
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9. Rosario Dawson

Appeared in: The LEGO Batman Movie

Rosario Dawson is no stranger to playing beloved comic book characters. She portrayed Claire Temple (a.k.a. Night Nurse) in Netflix’s Daredevil and multiple other shows in the Marvel Netflix saga, and voiced Wonder Woman in the 2019 animated film Wonder Woman: Bloodlines. However, she also voiced Batgirl in 2017’s The LEGO Batman Movie.

Barbara is introduced as the new police commissioner of Gotham City and vows to make it a city without the need for vigilantes. As a result, she wants to team up with Batman under the promise that he works inside the law (instead of operating outside of it). This obviously doesn’t work for Batman and the pair reach a hilarious stalemate throughout the movie that eventually results in Barbara becoming Batgirl.

Dawson adds a charm to the character that we haven’t seen in other adaptations. She isn’t portrayed as a teenager inspired to be like Batman, she plays her like the mature grown woman who wants harmony in Gotham. Even so, she still retains the light-heartedness that Batgirl is known for. It’s a different take on Barbara that we absolutely loved, and it would be great if she got the chance to play the character again in another property someday.