Batman: All 11 Batgirl actresses ranked from worst to best

American ballet dancer and actress Yvonne Craig, best known for her role as Batgirl from the US TV series 'Batman', UK, 23rd September 1967. (Photo by Len Trievnor/Express/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
American ballet dancer and actress Yvonne Craig, best known for her role as Batgirl from the US TV series 'Batman', UK, 23rd September 1967. (Photo by Len Trievnor/Express/Hulton Archive/Getty Images) /
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7. Alyson Stoner

Appeared in: Young JusticeLego DC Comics Super Heroes: Aquaman: Rage of AtlantisLego DC Batman: Family Matters

Alyson Stoner has the unique honor of voicing Barbara Gordon / Batgirl in three different DC projects. She first played the role in the second season of animated series Young Justice (subtitled Invasion) before voicing her in two different Lego DC movies. She then reprised the role in the two seasons of the Young Justice revival.

She did a fantastic job as the character, portraying Barbara as the spunky and colorful addition to the Bat-Family that she is. While Babs was never a main character on Young Justice, her journey was evident throughout, as the show used its time-jumps to dramatize her rise as a hero, her promotion to the titular team of superheroes, and her eventual stunt as Oracle after her injury.

Stoner had to portray Barbara at various points throughout her life and she excelled at it, approaching her younger days with great enthusiasm and an excitable tone while also offering up a more reserved, determined performance when taking on her time as a veteran hero (but never losing that charm that made her sound so definitively Barbara).