Batman: All 11 Batgirl actresses ranked from worst to best

American ballet dancer and actress Yvonne Craig, best known for her role as Batgirl from the US TV series 'Batman', UK, 23rd September 1967. (Photo by Len Trievnor/Express/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
American ballet dancer and actress Yvonne Craig, best known for her role as Batgirl from the US TV series 'Batman', UK, 23rd September 1967. (Photo by Len Trievnor/Express/Hulton Archive/Getty Images) /
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Batgirl, Barbara Gordon, Titans
“Barbara Gordon.” Titans season 3. Courtesy of Warner Media. /

5. Savannah Welch

Appeared in: Titans

Barbara Gordon made her long-awaited debut in the DC Universe/HBO Max show Titans when she debuted in its third season. Very much inspired by the Batman Beyond iteration of the character, she was the commissioner of the Gotham City Police Department, taking over the role after the death of her father in a bid to move on from the Bat-Family era by ending the need for vigilantes.

Portrayed by Savannah Welch, Titans‘ Barbara retired her Batgirl persona after being paralyzed by The Joker. We don’t see her suit up on the show, but her days as Batgirl are very much still on her mind.

Welch had some powerful storylines to work with, as Barbara had to balance her desire to protect Gotham the official way with her feelings for Dick Grayson/Nightwing, and she was incredibly convincing in her performance.

Barbara was tough, hardened by the loss of her father (and many of the other events that had happened throughout Batman’s career as a crimefighter) but she also believed in doing the right thing and wanted to trust that Dick and the Titans could help her achieve that. It was a compelling conflict and Welch did an excellent job during her time on the show.