9. Morgan stopped being a good character when he joined the show full-time
Remember how exciting Morgan Jones was? The mysterious man who helped Rick Grimes in the very first episode of The Walking Dead, fans longed for the day he might return. And the show played with that excitement well, teasing us throughout the seasons with references and cameos from Morgan himself.
He officially joined the show in a full-time capacity in its sixth season when he reunited with Rick at Alexandria. Unfortunately, the years of excitement didn’t pay off in the way that fans had hoped. The character clashed with a lot of the fan-favorite characters on the show, including Carol, Jesus, and Rick himself, judging others for their actions and attempting to impart wisdom on them as to why they should try things a different way. That would have been solid advice if Morgan himself hadn’t gone on multiple downward spirals and committed some deeds far worse than those he was judging.
The constant back-and-forth with Morgan got really repetitive really quickly, so by the time he departed the show in its eighth season, it felt like he had been around for all eight seasons (and not in a good way). He had unfortunately devolved into a personality vacuum, going round in circles and not giving Lennie James the material he deserved.
Moving him to spinoff Fear The Walking Dead (and disrespectfully making him the lead) obliterated the beloved series.