Spider-Man has been the protagonist of many video games over the years, so which one has outclassed the others to claim its spot as the best?
Spider-Man is one of the most popular heroes ever. Since his creation in 1962, he swung his way onto countless comic books, three different live-action movie franchises, and, of course, many different video games.
As years have gone by, we’ve seen how the wall crawler’s games have evolved from a simple pixelated scroller to a breathtaking adventure with a beautiful open world and big set-pieces.
During that time, many different developers have made it upon themselves to try and break the code behind what makes a great Spider-Man adventure, each with their own failures and successes. As a result, most of those games are completely different from the others, covering a lot of different genres and telling a great spectrum of stories.
Spider-Man video games have been created as movie tie-ins, adaptations of entire comic book series, or even original adventures that have their unique twist on iconic characters. However, there have been some projects that broke all expectations and managed to crawl higher than others. So it’s time to rank the ten greatest Spidey video games from worst to best and discover which one has captured best what makes our friendly neighborhood hero so popular and lovable.