22. Kraznys mo Nakloz
No matter how you might feel about Daenerys Targaryen, I don’t think any Game of Thrones fan likes the character Kraznys mo Nakloz. Introduced in the third season of the show, Kraznys is a slaver from the city Astapor who Dany meets when seeking an army. She wants the Unsullied soldiers to join her cause and she agrees to trade one of her dragons to Kraznys in exchange. Fortunately, Daenerys is smarter than anyone realizes and she ends up tricking the slaver. It’s a badass moment that makes us fall in love with her early on in the show.
Kraznys is known for being very cruel and arrogant, and clearly does not care about human life. He only cares about himself. His personality, behavior, and treatment of Dany make Kraznys a despicable character in the Game of Thrones universe, and someone viewers very understandably dislike. He uses his power to exploit others, which is undeniably terrible.
21. Shae
While Game of Thrones fans might actually really like Shae when she’s first introduced, her change in character and betrayal of Tyrion Lannister is shocking and unforgivable. Initially, Shae is depicted as a loyal and caring person who (seemingly) has genuine feelings for Tyrion. Their relationship and bond only grow deeper throughout the first few seasons, and Shae is a great source of support to Tyrion in tough times — and vice versa.
However, whatever trust Tyrion has in Shae is completely ruined by the end of her storyline. Motivated by jealousy and possibly other factors, Shae decides to testify against Tyrion in his trial after Joffrey is murdered and tells lies about him, which completely breaks Tyrion’s heart. Tyrion later finds her in his father’s bed, which is another shock for him.
Shae’s life ends in tragedy as she’s killed by Tyrion in a crime of passion. Though I don’t think she deserves to die for her actions, that doesn’t mean Game of Thrones fans necessarily sympathize with her.