The 10 best characters from The Mummy, ranked

388583 01: Rick O''Connell (played by Brendan Fraser, left) faces a new threat in "The Mummy Returns." (Photo by Keith Hamshere/Universal Studios)
388583 01: Rick O''Connell (played by Brendan Fraser, left) faces a new threat in "The Mummy Returns." (Photo by Keith Hamshere/Universal Studios) /
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9. Beni Gabor

When you think of The Mummy, you can’t help but remember our “friend” Beni. With his quick escapes, ever-changing alliances, and his knack for always finding himself in the wrong place at the wrong time, he sure knows how to steal a scene and make us kind of feel slightly empathetic towards him.

His mischievous nature, combined with his thirst for gold and riches, makes him a lovable idiot rogue. While the other characters are trying to figure out how to defeat ancient curses or decipher hieroglyphs, Beni’s out there just trying to grab as many riches as he can before eventually disappearing.

But when it comes to the big league of character depth, our man Beni is very much a sidekick. While other characters like Rick and Evie are diving deep into their personal stories, facing fears, and growing as individuals, Beni’s concerns are a tad more… shallow.

We all know he’s just in it for the gold and, though he’s loads of fun to watch, he doesn’t quite have the layers and depth that some of the other characters do. Still, ranking 9 out of 10 ain’t bad for a guy whose main weapon is a quick wit and a faster retreat.