5. The Flash
The Flash is quite possibly the most famous show on this list. It’s the one that took the Arrowverse to the next level, as it quickly eclipsed its predecessor Arrow and brought in record viewing numbers for The CW, making both star Grant Gustin and the Scarlet Speedster a household name. It doesn’t get any bigger than that.
The Flash also possesses what is quite possibly the greatest single season of a superhero show in TV history as its first season was nothing short of phenomenal. The second and third seasons are almost equally as strong. Unfortunately, the longer the show went on, the more it veered off-course, with the seventh and ninth seasons particularly being major steps backwards.
I love The Flash. It changed my life and was a major part of why I’m in the career I am today. However, its later seasons really dropped the ball, losing all of what made the show so successful in the first place. And as the show featured both the very best and worst of DC TV, that makes the middle of this list the perfect place for it.
That being said, when The Flash was good, it was absolutely excellent. And we’ll always be grateful for the memories that this once-exquisite show gave us.