Creature Commandos’ most heartbreaking origin stories ranked

Was Doctor Phosphorus’ story sadder than G.I. Robots? Does Nina’s tale of bullying make your heart sink more than The Bride’s? Decide for yourself after seeing how this writer ranked the Creature Commandos’ saddest origin stories.
Creature Commandos - Cr: Max
Creature Commandos - Cr: Max

The previous lives of the Creature Commandos are saddening. Each of the characters involved in the DC Universe series are who they are because of the catastrophic things that happened to them in their past. Even someone like Amanda Waller has a past that may make you look at her with sympathy.

This list is going to break down the members of the Creature Commandos and rank who had the most heartbreaking origin story. It will start with a member of the team who isn’t human and yet has more empathy than most humans.

Warning: Spoilers ahead for the first season of Creature Commandos.

5. G.I. Robot

G.I. Robot is the opposite of Eric Frankenstein. While he also didn’t ask to become sentient, his creator made him a weapon for good. He even seemed to understand what it meant to have compassion and friendship. Seeing him get along with his fellow soldiers was heartwarming. It made him being shut down disheartening.

G.I. Robot was imprisoned after a Nazi brought him back to life. It made sense that his prime directive kicked in when he was in the presence of heinous people (the same ones he was programmed to annihilate). Sadly, he was imprisoned for it and eventually destroyed during combat. Thankfully, destruction can’t keep G.I. Robot down.

4. Weasel

Yes, the death of children is enough to bring the hardest of people to their knees. However, this isn’t about the kids. The list is about the main characters. Sure, a debate can be made that the connection should rank this higher, but this writer disagrees.

Like everyone else, Weasel feels emotions and still deals with the trauma of failing to save his friends. However, he’s able to separate that moment until something triggers it. It’s the gift and the curse of being an animal (or a humanoid animal). That’s why it gets ranked lower than most people would place it.

3. Doctor Phosphorus

Imagine trying to do something to save people worldwide and being killed for it. Yes, Alexander James Sartorius took money from the wrong kind of people but that isn’t on him. Crime lord Rupert Thorne ordered Dr. Sartorius and his family to be killed. It was said in V for Vendetta. What they did was monstrous and they created a monster.

Doctor Phosphorus was created because Dr. Sartorius was broken. Not just his body. The pain of seeing his wife and child dead on top of the torture of the radiation destroyed any compassion in him. There’s a possibility that it altered his brain on a scientific level. Either way, you can’t blame him for what he became.

2. Nina Mazursky

It’s hard not to feel bad for Nina. She was born with her lungs outside of her body, her mother abandoned her, and she had to live life feeling like a monster. What’s worse is she had to deal with these insecurities while being called a frog by her schoolmates. Because she felt like a burden to her father (who didn’t think she was), Nina left to be on her own. Then, she’s labeled a monster, captured, unjustly imprisoned, and watched as her father is killed.

As you can see, Nina’s life was horrific and full of pain from her first to her last breath. You'd have to be heartless not to get emotional seeing her story.

1. The Bride

There seems to be a theme of the characters from Creature Commandos being forced into becoming uncaring monsters. With The Bride, she had a chance to be unlike some of her teammates when Dr. Frankenstein taught her to be human and compassionate. They even fell in love (discuss the morality of that amongst yourselves). Unfortunately, Eric Frankenstein was jealous and killed their creator because he couldn’t accept that the woman created for him loved someone else.

You may have noticed how toxic that last line was. No one belongs to another person even in this case. If that isn’t bad enough, Eric chased her around the world for decades despite repeatedly being told no. And when The Bride continued to refuse his advances, Eric resorted to violence. Instead of taking the hint, he called it a game. Sadly, this is something that happens in real life and it’s disgusting.

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