Harley Quinn season 5: HarlIvy's relationship is in trouble as a new villain rises

The fight for revenge over Frank the Plant's death leads to a new villain rising and Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy having a major fight.
Harley Quinn 5x07 HD "Frank's funeral" Max
Harley Quinn 5x07 HD "Frank's funeral" Max | DC Universe Clips

Frank The Plant's funeral in Harley Quinn season 5 is exactly what you’d expect; it was funny and full of perverse jokes. What couldn’t have been predicted was how much he knew his friends. He was aware of everything that was going to happen from Harley Quinn having champagne in her purse to Poison Ivy taking Frank’s… love rag and throwing it onto his casket. He probably knew Ivy would need someone else after his death and left her a piece of himself. The love rag combined with Ivy's DNA birthed the newest member of the HarlIvy family, Frankette.

In typical Ivy and Harley fashion, the plan to kill Brainiac (whose real name is Vril Dox) for killing Frank doesn’t go as planned. First, instead of waiting for Lena Luthor’s instructions, they went in half-cocked. Luckily, the plan to stop him was put into the musical (that Brianiac was watching on a loop). Of course, that also didn’t go as planned. After shrinking Vril shows them that Lena killed Frank.

While Harley tries to talk Brainiac into saving Metropolis, Lena teleports to the spaceship to avoid Ivy and get to her former partner. Lena says she killed Frank because it was the only way for them to take Brainiac’s threat seriously. And since she’s trying to keep Metropolis safe, Lena stops the robots from destroying her city. Right after that, she shrinks Harley, Ivy, and Frankette and puts them in a bottle with the other shrunken citizens.

As Harley tells Ivy that Lena saved the day, Vril’s robots teleport into their home and steals Frankette. When Brainiac asks why she wanted Frankette, Lena admits that she doesn’t. She knows that Harley and Ivy are weak when they aren’t together. Not only is that true, it adds more drama to the rest of the season.

The reveal of Lena Luthor becoming the most dangerous person in the series wasn’t surprising, but it wasn’t disappointing either. Aisha Tyler is a brilliant voice actor and made Lena Luthor sound convincing as an arrogant, villainous antagonist. Furthermore, Lena has come the closest to defeating Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy and there are still three more episodes left in the season. It’ll be interesting to see what she has planned now that she controls Brainiac's technology.

Another storyline to pay attention to is what’s next for Harley and Ivy. Ivy is furious that Harley helped Frank’s killer and that Lena took Frankette. Understandably, Ivy is upset, but there’s no way Harley won’t understand. However, that doesn’t mean Harley’s attempts to make things better won’t have the reverse effect. And with the show's future beyond season 5 not yet clear, it’s impossible to guess how things will end for the fifth season. Stay tuned to Bam Smack Pow to find out.

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