10 most disliked Star Trek couples, ranked

It's almost Valentine's Day! Love is in the air... and so are terrible choices in Star Trek couples.
"Such Sweet Sorrow" -- Ep#213 -- Pictured (l-r): Shazad Latif as Tyler; Sonequa Martin-Green as Burnham of the CBS All Access series STAR TREK: DISCOVERY. Photo Cr: Ben Mark Holzberg/CBS ©2018 CBS Interactive, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
"Such Sweet Sorrow" -- Ep#213 -- Pictured (l-r): Shazad Latif as Tyler; Sonequa Martin-Green as Burnham of the CBS All Access series STAR TREK: DISCOVERY. Photo Cr: Ben Mark Holzberg/CBS ©2018 CBS Interactive, Inc. All Rights Reserved. /
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1. Neelix and Kes (Star Trek: Voyager)

We were all chilling on the Delta Quadrant - again, with the crew of the Voyager - minding your own space business, and along comes this pair, Neelix and Kes, making everyone scratch their heads in confusion. Neelix, with his ever-fluffy hair that defies zero gravity, and Kes, the Ocampan with the lifespan of a space hamster, decide they're a match made in the cosmos. Narrator voice: spoiler alert - they weren't.

It was like watching a show where the lead actors forgot they're supposed to actually have chemistry. Neelix turns into the galaxy's most overprotective boyfriend, shadowing Kes as if she might suddenly teleport into another dimension. His jealousy radar is so sensitive, it could detect a rival suitor from three star systems away.

But the real issue here isn't the randomness of this pairing: there's the age thing. Kes is barely two years old (don't worry, Ocampans mature super-fast), and Neelix is... well, let's just say he's seen more rings around a gas giant than Kes has seen birthdays. Their dynamic often felt more like a quirky uncle babysitting his niece than a romantic duo exploring the final frontier. Every time they shared a tender moment, you half-expected the Starfleet Child Protection Services to beam in and start asking awkward questions.

It was a relationship that seemed to be held together with space duct tape and good intentions, but left us all cringing and said "I want off this ride."

This lovely list reflects the nuanced perspectives of the Star Trek fan community, highlighting that while not all relationships were well-received, each has contributed to the franchise's exploration of interpersonal dynamics... in some way. And some more than others.

Next. 10 most disliked Star Trek characters, ranked. 10 most disliked Star Trek characters, ranked. dark