13 highest-grossing MCU movies, ranked

33 movies, hundreds of characters and superpowers, but not all of them grossed as highly as Marvel Studios desired. But which ones did, and why?
Marvel Studios' AVENGERS: ENDGAME..L to R: Captain America (Chris Evans) in b/g Hulk (Mark Ruffalo, Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) and Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman)..Photo: Film Frame..©Marvel Studios 2019
Marvel Studios' AVENGERS: ENDGAME..L to R: Captain America (Chris Evans) in b/g Hulk (Mark Ruffalo, Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) and Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman)..Photo: Film Frame..©Marvel Studios 2019
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The MCU is a sprawling galaxy of superhero sagas that have both dazzled and puzzled us over the years.

Like a rollercoaster ride through Asgard, the MCU's box office journey has been full of exhilarating highs and unexpected dips. From the groundbreaking smash of Iron Man in 2008 to the eye-watering earnings of Avengers: Endgame, it's been a wild ride. Yet, amidst the box office bonanzas, there have been moments that left fans and critics scratching their heads. Not every MCU flick turned to gold, with some entries performing more like the humble Ant-Man when fans expected the mighty Thor.

The MCU has taught us that not all heroes wear capes (or, in this case, not all heroes rake in billions), but they each play their part in the grand tapestry of this cinematic universe.

This up and down when it comes to box office numbers is a blend of superhero saturation, timing, and sometimes, just the cosmic luck of the draw. The MCU's ambitious phase structuring meant that not all movies could be Endgame level events, with some designed to lay groundwork rather than shatter records. Market trends, competition at the box office, and even global events like the COVID-19 pandemic have played their roles in shaping outcomes. Yet, in true superhero fashion, the MCU learns, adapts, and continues to soar, proving that even in the face of inconsistency, its power to captivate, entertain, and occasionally perplex remains unmatched. In this universe, even the underdogs have their day, contributing to a saga that's as human as it is heroic.

Let's take a look at the 13 highest-grossing MCU movies, ranked from the least (which is still more than I'll ever make) to the most profit.

Thor: Ragnarok
Marvel Studios' THOR: RAGNAROK..Hela (Cate Blanchett) ..Ph: Teaser Film Frame..©Marvel Studios 2017

13. Thor: Ragnarok - $854 million USD

Imagine Thor, the god of thunder, grabbing his hammer and smashing the box office to smithereens - that's pretty much what happened with Thor: Ragnarok. Released in November 2017, this cosmic adventure turned the Thor franchise on its head with its vibrant colors, relentless humor, and a fresh take on our beloved Asgardian hero, courtesy of director Taika Waititi.

Why did Thor: Ragnarok rake in such cosmic bucks? First off, Taika Waititi's unique vision injected a much-needed sense of fun and irreverence into Thor's world, striking a perfect balance between action and comedy. The film also benefited from being part of the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), coming off the heels of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and setting the stage for Avengers: Infinity War. Add to this the star-studded cast including Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Cate Blanchett, and Jeff Goldblum, plus the hype from Marvel's masterful marketing machine, and you've got a recipe for box office gold. Thor: Ragnarok was more than just a movie - it was an event, offering a visually stunning escape with plenty of laughs and thrilling action that audiences around the globe couldn't resist.