Recently, Kang actor Jonathan Majors was found guilty of both reckless assault of the third degree, as well as harassment. Because of this, Marvel immediately responded by letting the actor go. This has led a lot of people to ask, "But what of Kang?"
Now, firstly, I'd like to remind people that someone was both harassed and assaulted and that should be the primary focus. But yeah, I kinda get it. If I found out my kid's teacher was arrested for a crime my first thought would probably be, "Okay but is my kid getting a sub or what does this mean for the rest of the school year?"
Luckily for Marvel though, Kang is the easiest character to recast in the Marvel Universe. And I mean easiest. See, Kang is a lot of things and exists in a lot of timelines because he's a time traveler. This gives us SO many options.
And, honestly, I think the MCU will be better off. I genuinely did not like his portrayal of Kang. I think the "He Who Remains" version was way to casual and I think Majors was doing a bit too much stage acting and not film acting. It felt hammy. And Victor Timely just felt like a character from an episode of Wishbone. The stutter was almost cartoonish. So using this as an opportunity to let someone else take over as Kang might be beneficial here.
But performance aside, we're going to go over five ways Marvel can change up the story a bit to recast Jonathan Majors easily. And, let's be real, especially for people in a world that Doctor Doom exists in, if MCU writers can't figure out a way to recast a time traveler then maybe the actor isn't the only one needed to be swapped out.
So here's five ways that Kang can be recast.