5. Suicide Squad
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 26%
First, let me make this clear, we're talking about the 2016 Suicide Squad and not James Gunn's The Suicide Squad which was a far superior film. Just want to get that out of the way before there is any confusion as the two films are very different, mainly with Gunn's film being an incredibly fun film and the 2016 film, well, being one we could have done without entirely.
There were some standouts in the film namely in the introduction of Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn, a role that Robbie shined in and absolutely crushed. However, the film's talented ensemble wasn't enough to save that turned out to be an overall disappointing waste of so many rich and layered characters.
While there was some humor, it wasn't near what we got from Gunn's The Suicide Squad and this is a group that works well with quips added to break up the dastardly deeds they pull off on screen. Instead of diving deep into these characters, Warner Bros. barely scratched the surface with thinly written characters slotted into a storyline that was plagued with muddied plotlines.
It's a shame DC squandered away the potential of so many of the film's characters as this film could have been a breakout success.