4. Justice League
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 39%
We knew that DC's endgame was always to bring together the biggest names in the DC arsenal in order to bring the Justice League to the big screen for the first time. On paper, this sounded like a winning strategy as how can one lose when bringing the DC holy trinity of Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman together? Well, leave it to DC to fumble the ball and miss the mark when assembling its heroes for the first time.
The biggest problem with Justice League is that DC got ahead of itself and failed to lay the proper groundwork. Instead of introducing its heroes in standalone films and then thrusting them together in a crossover film, DC skipped several steps and made Justice League the DCEU debut picture for several key heroes in the film.
As a result of this decision, characters such as The Flash, Aquaman, and Cyborg didn't truly get the proper introduction they deserved as there was too much going on in the film and their introductions were very surface-level. Because we hadn't gotten the chance to see these heroes' origin stories unfold in their own films, there was no real sense of excitement in seeing them come together for the first time as the audience hadn't become invested in the heroes' journeys as we had with the Avengers in the MCU.
The biggest problem with this movie was that it tried to do far too much and ended up doing so little to help with the future of the DCEU. Yeah, there was a lot of action but there was so little plot or actual character development.