7 most disliked Star Trek series, ranked

There are 11 different series in the Star Trek franchise. They also have their own flavor and style, but a few of them kind of miss the mark.
Michelle Hurd as Raffi Musiker and Jonathan Frakes as Will Riker in "The Bounty" Episode 306, Star Trek: Picard on Paramount+. Photo Credit: Trae Patton/Paramount+. ©2021 Viacom, International Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Michelle Hurd as Raffi Musiker and Jonathan Frakes as Will Riker in "The Bounty" Episode 306, Star Trek: Picard on Paramount+. Photo Credit: Trae Patton/Paramount+. ©2021 Viacom, International Inc. All Rights Reserved. /
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6) Star Trek: Lower Decks

Imagine a new series that turns the solemn halls of the USS Enterprise into a comedy club. That's Star Trek: Lower Decks for you, diving head first and straight into the realm of animated satire.

This show flips the script, focusing on the unsung heroes (or should we say, the everyday Joes and Janes) of the lower decks rather than the bridge's star-studded officers. It's like suddenly discovering that the school's class clowns were actually in charge of the yearbook - unexpected, irreverent, and not what every Trekkie signed up for. The humor is as subtle as a Klingon at a diplomatic dinner, which means it can either hit the mark or miss it by a light-year, depending on who's watching. I get that, as someone who was seemingly born allergic to comedy.

Now, why has Lower Decks stirred up the cosmic dust to become one of the most talked-about (and sometimes side-eyed) entries in the Star Trek universe? For starters, it takes the revered seriousness of its predecessors and sends it on a vacation, injecting a hefty dose of laughs, gags, and slapstick into the final frontier. This isn't your grandpa's Star Trek nor is it trying to be. It's a show that dares to poke fun at the very franchise it's part of, from the overly complicated technobabble to the sometimes too-perfect heroes of Starfleet. And while many fans appreciate the fresh take and the chuckles, others feel it's similar to serving pizza at a gourmet banquet - a fun idea, but maybe not what you were hoping for.

Whether you're here for the hilarity or holding out for heroics, Lower Decks ensures the Star Trek universe is anything but predictable.