9 most disliked moments in all X-Men movies, ranked

Let's take a look at nine specific moments we've encountered among all 13 X-Men movies that still do not spark joy, shall we?

227_xb_8265_v1086.1027 – Apocalypse (Oscar Isaac), the original and most powerful mutant, embarks on a path of global destruction. Photo Credit: Courtesy Twentieth Century Fox.
227_xb_8265_v1086.1027 – Apocalypse (Oscar Isaac), the original and most powerful mutant, embarks on a path of global destruction. Photo Credit: Courtesy Twentieth Century Fox.
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The X-Men movies are a spectacular rollercoaster of mutant mayhem that's as thrilling as discovering you can control weather or read minds. Well, not that exciting, but you get my point.

These cinematic gems have given us front-row seats to the ultimate showdowns between good, evil, and everything in-between, wrapped up in a dazzling display of special effects, heart-pounding action, and characters so complex they make Shakespeare's folks look like cardboard cutouts. From Wolverine's brooding charm to Mystique's shape-shifting sass, they've created a universe so rich and engaging, it's like finding out your boring old uncle is actually a superhero in disguise. The blend of action, deep themes of acceptance and diversity, and a sprinkle of humor here and there make these movies more than just mere action movies - they're like a buffet of superhero awesomeness.

But hold on, before we crown these movies as the undisputed champions of the superhero genre, let's remember that every rose has its thorn.

For all their glory, the X-Men series has stumbled through time more awkwardly than a time-traveling newbie. The timeline? More tangled than the headphone wires at the bottom of my 7-year-old's backpack. And let's not forget the occasional character inconsistency that has fans scratching their heads harder than if they had a telepathic itch. Sometimes, characters mysteriously change personalities or powers as often as Mystique changes faces, leaving audiences bewildered and wondering if there's a mutant power for keeping track of plot lines.

Let's take a look at nine specific moments we've encountered among all 13 X-Men movies that still do not spark joy, shall we?

9. The Wolverine (2013)

In 2023, we saw The Wolverine trying to claw its way out of the mess left by X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

It was doing pretty well, actually, kind of like when you're smoothly slicing through a stack of pancakes with a super sharp knife. But just when we thought it had it, it hit a snag towards the end, kind of like finding a piece of the plate in your bite. The big, much-hyped smackdown with the Silver Samurai? More like a silver letdown. We were all geared up for an all-out, popcorn-spilling brawl, but what we got felt more like a light slapfight.

It's like expecting a rollercoaster and ending up on the kiddie train - a bummer, right? Unless you're like me and rollercoasters send you to the anxiety realm.

And then, there's the twist - or, should I say, the "twist" - with Viper revealing her true colors. Imagine expecting a jaw-dropping magic trick and getting a card trick you learned at a kid's party. Yawn. It was supposed to be this big "aha!" moment, but it turned out to be more of an "eh". This stuff might fly in a soap opera, but here, it just felt like old news reheated in the microwave. These oopsies made The Wolverine feel a bit like that one guest at the party who doesn't really vibe with the crowd, leaving some X-Men enthusiasts scratching their heads and wishing for what could have been.

So, while it had its moments of slicing and dicing fun, The Wolverine kind of tripped near the finish line, making it the awkward cousin of the X-Men movie family.