1. Arrow (seasons 1 - 3)
Worn by: Stephen Amell
Keeping it simple is sometimes the best way to go, and Arrow itself proved that when Oliver Queen first donned the hood in its very first episode. It consisted of a Kevlar-lined leather green jacket with the original tattered green hood that Yao Fei wore sown into it; the two textures worked surprisingly well together, providing Oliver with a very Robin Hood look (which honestly worked well given the premise of the first season).
The grease paint he wore around his eyes also went a long way in adding to the more grounded approach the show was taking. He wasn't a hero (not yet), but a dark avenger hellbent on rooting out evil and righting his family's wrongs.
Some elements of the suit changed a little throughout the first three seasons; Cisco Ramon designed an upgrade made out of a polymer Kevlar weave that made it lighter but also gave it the ability to carry more gear, while Barry Allen gifted Oliver with a mask to better hide his true identity. But all in all, it never lost sight of who Oliver Queen was or what he stood for; this was the definitive Arrow look for the series, it made this darker version of the character work, and it was one of the many reasons why the show's more grounded years were, by far, its best.