Barry Keoghan to reprise his role as The Joker in The Batman: Part II

Banshees of Inisherin star confirmed that his Joker will indeed make his return in the second chapter of The Batman.
Druig (Barry Keoghan) in Marvel Studios' ETERNALS. Photo by Sophie Mutevelian. ©Marvel Studios 2021. All Rights Reserved.
Druig (Barry Keoghan) in Marvel Studios' ETERNALS. Photo by Sophie Mutevelian. ©Marvel Studios 2021. All Rights Reserved.

If you haven’t watched the first movie – simply dubbed The Batman – starring Robert Pattinson, Zoë Kravitz, Paul Dano, Andy Serkis, and Colin Farrell, then where the hell have you been... in a well swarming with flying rodents? Go watch it before you continue reading. You done? Alright, here we go.

Those moviegoers are very much aware Barry Koeghan was seen following the aftermath of the first film’s climax, depicting a version of The Joker credited as “Unseen Arkham Prisoner”. Keoghan revealed in an interview with Vanity Fair (H/T: Joe) that he will return as the Joker.

Matt Reeves’ Bat-Verse could do slow burn teases for Joker

It sounds like Matt Reeves is providing a slow burn across multiple films with Koeghan’s Joker as I highly doubt he will be the Big Bad of the next film, The Batman: Part II, due to the character being overexposed in pop culture and Reeves opting for a different approach.

The Penguin/Oswald “Oz” Cobblepot may play a bigger part in the next installment, whereas there have been reports that may introduce Clayface to live-action but could be pitched as a standalone motion picture with the DC character as per Deadline by Doctor Sleep filmmaker, Mike Flanagan.

A deleted scene revealed Batman already has an established relationship with the Joker as a profiler, who apprehended him during his first year of crime-fighting for a series of murders and sent the Joker to Arkham. Batman questioned Joker on the Riddler’s motives after his murders.

Joker presumably may be set as the final antagonist Batman will have to face to save Gotham in this saga who by that point may have amassed a lot of power by then.