1. Brenton Thwaites
Appeared in: DC's Titans
Titans did something very different with just about all of the source material it tackled. It was darker, moodier, and a lot more aggressive than anyone anticipated it being, and so was Dick Grayson - who found himself at the center of it. Brenton Thwaites was the actor tasked with bringing the more grounded version of the character to life and to say he understood the assignment would be a major understatement.
Titans' version of Dick was at the crossroads in his life that all DC fans are familiar with; that awkward stopgap between Robin and Nightwing where he just doesn't know who he is. Oh yeah, and he's also a detective. Thwaites captured the gravity of Dick's identity issues as soon as he made his first appearance, making this more grim version of the notoriously light-hearted character incredibly believable. The strength of that performance allowed you to remain invested even when the show didn't service the character well; because Thwaites reeled you into Dick's story every time.
Yes, he looked fantastic in both the Robin and Nightwing suits, but he spent more time out of them than he did in them, and that wasn't a problem at all. He had a way of holding your attention whether he was Robin, Nightwing, or just Detective Dick Grayson trying to figure out who he is without the shadow of the bat looming over him. Powerful is a term that gets thrown around a lot when it comes to performances, but Thwaites definitely packed some power into his work on Titans. There were layers to that performance that ultimately enhanced the material and ensured we would all follow along on Dick's journey out of darkness towards the light.
Titans had many flaws, but his performance was not one of them. Thanks to Brenton Thwaites, we now have a definitive live-action version of Dick Grayson for a new generation - and what a great Dick Grayson he was.