The 7 best variants in Marvel's What If...? season 2

What if... we actually got to see all these incredible variants and original characters in a live-action MCU movie? Let's check out 7 of them that really left an impression.
Strange-Supreme in Marvel Studios' WHAT IF…?, Season 2 exclusively on Disney+. © 2023 MARVEL.
Strange-Supreme in Marvel Studios' WHAT IF…?, Season 2 exclusively on Disney+. © 2023 MARVEL. /
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6. Rogers Hood

Captain Carter, our new favorite badass heroine, lands in 1602 in the penutimate episode of the season. There, she stumbles upon Rogers Hood, a charming rogue who's basically Robin Hood with a superhero twist and an incredibly familiar face - Steve Rogers, our original Captain America.

Now, here's where it gets super cool. He ended up there because of an event all-too similar to the one MCU fans are familiar with. During the epic showdown in Avengers: Infinity War, this 1602 version of Steve Rogers got up close and personal with the Time Stone while battling Thanos. This sent him on a trip back to 1602, which caused him to lose all his memories. Imagine Captain America, but now he's living out a medieval fantasy, robbing the rich to help the poor. He's still got all the heroics and heart we love, mixed with a dash of old-world charm.

And when you thought Captain America couldn't get any more noble, this Rogers Hood makes a selfless and painful choice. He gives up a chance to be with Peggy to protect not one, but two timelines. This variant is a fresh take on our favorite shield-wielding hero and was very well executed. After saying goodbye to Chris Evans' iconic portrayal, seeing this new version of the character is a treat, filling the MCU with an exciting, unexpected twist.