1. Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel features the best performance we've seen from Larson in the MCU so far! The film premiered on March 9, 2019, and it was a huge success for Marvel. The film grossed more than $1 billion at the global box office.
I'm a big fan of Captain Marvel. It's a tier below some of the best MCU movies, for sure, but it's up there in the top half for me. Larson is easily one of the bright spots of the film. The story lacks a punch at times. It's a bit too predictable, and the visuals are so-so, compared to some of the other MCU movies from this era. But, I still think Captain Marvel needed an origin story like this one for audiences to understand the character. Yes, the movie was predictable, but the MCU has carved out its own genre and rubric for its movies, and Captain Marvel checks all those boxes.
Larson was surrounded by a stellar cast in this movie, too, including Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn, and of course, Lashana Lynch, who crushes her role of Marie Rambeau, the mother of Monica, played by Teyona Parris, who we meet in The Marvels.
Captain Marvel also launched the MCU into a different direction, specifically with the Kree and Skrull storylines that play out in other works, including Secret Invasion and The Marvels. Obviously, it hasn't been a completely successful venture, but that's not Captain Marvel's fault. The film does a great job of laying the groundwork for Carol Danvers' story to be told, and I don't think we've fully seen that pay off yet. It will, though!
So, that's the list of Brie Larson's best MCU movies! We'll be sure to update when the next MCU movie starring Larson is released!