Every Flash ranked from weakest to strongest

There have been plenty of Scarlet Speedsters over the years but which version of The Flash is the strongest, most powerful, and fastest of them all?

The Flash -- “Wednesday Ever After” -- Image Number: FLA901fg_0005r -- Pictured: Grant Gustin as The Flash -- Photo: The CW -- © 2023 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
The Flash -- “Wednesday Ever After” -- Image Number: FLA901fg_0005r -- Pictured: Grant Gustin as The Flash -- Photo: The CW -- © 2023 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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7. The Justice League of America Flash

The Flash made what was just his third live-action appearance in the 1997 TV movie Justice League of America. It's hard to believe that this one has been so forgotten by history since it features some of the most iconic Justice League characters, but its reputation was not good and the CBS show it was supposed to launch was not picked up.

It was intended to be a bit of a comedy movie, so it's easy enough to overlook the poor costumes and questionable special effects. Sure, it's a bit of an issue that this looks considerably worse than The Flash TV series that aired seven years prior to that, but it did what it could given the budget.

That brings us to the Scarlet Speedster himself, played by Kenny Johnston. He used his speed quite a lot throughout the movie, but its crowning moment was definitely when he managed to use it to prevent a huge tornado from destroying the city of New Metro, running around it to unravel it.

Other than that, though, there isn't much to say. The Flash was a great speedster and a great source of comic relief for the movie, but we learn very little about him and his abilities in the film.