Let's talk about the most recent Demon Slayer episode, titled "Water Hashira Giyu Tomioka’s Pain."
This episode isn’t your typical slash-and-dash episode - it's a deep dive into the heart and soul of our broody Water Hashira, Giyu Tomioka. Prepare for some feels AND SPOILERS COMING UP AS YOU READ BELOW - READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.
We kick things off with Tanjiro, our ever-determined demon slayer, who seems to have taken up a new role as a motivational coach. His new project? Giyu Tomioka, who’s been feeling more down than a sword at the bottom of a lake. The guy’s carrying a massive load of guilt and grief, and it's weighing him down like a pair of cement sandals. We find out Giyu’s been out of sorts because he thinks he doesn’t deserve the title of Water Hashira because our man didn’t actually slay any demons during his Final Selection test. Instead, his buddy Sabito (remember him from the fist season?) took all the glory and sadly, didn't make it out alive. Now, Giyu feels like he's living a life that should've been Sabito’s, which is messing with his head big time.

Enter Tanjiro, the ray of sunshine in Giyu’s stormy weather. He's not there to throw punches but to lend an ear and a helping hand. Tanjiro’s mission? To get Giyu to pick up his sword and fight back against his inner demons (and the real ones too). It’s touching to see Tanjiro so determined to help Giyu overcome his pain, proving that sometimes, words are mightier than the sword and that I am, in fact, not the most annoying friend in the world.
The episode beautifully juxtaposes Giyu’s somber flashbacks with his present struggles, painting a picture of a man haunted by the past but with a chance to change his future. And just when you think things can’t get more emotional, Tanjiro, being the insightful lad he is, helps Giyu realize that honoring Sabito’s memory doesn't mean living in his shadow. Instead, it means carrying forward Sabito’s will and fighting the good fight. By the end, our stoic Hashira isn’t just back on his feet; he's also found a new companion in Tanjiro. They even share a joyful meal of soba, symbolizing their newfound bond and Giyu’s first steps toward healing. It’s a beautiful moment, showing that even the loneliest warriors can find friendship and comfort and that cold soba is actually good.
With this episode being less about the physical battles and more about conquering the emotional ones. "Water Hashira Giyu Tomioka’s Pain" teaches us that it’s okay to face our past, share our burdens, and let others help us heal. And remember, even the toughest Hashira needs a soba break and a good friend.
Don't forget to tune in to Crunchyroll next Sunday, May 26th, for the next episode of Demon Slayer.