Every DC Comics movie ever, ranked from worst to best

From Batman to Superman and everything in between, which DC movies stand out as the very best?

On the Set of "Batman"
On the Set of "Batman" | Sunset Boulevard/GettyImages
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Aquaman, DC
JASON MOMOA as Aquaman in Warner Bros. Pictures’ action adventure “AQUAMAN,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release.

24. Aquaman

One of the true joys of a shared universe of superhero movies is that, when done right, each of those movies can provide you with their own unique identities. When the DCEU began to find its footing, it was able to do that, with the likes of Wonder Woman, Shazam!, and Aquaman.

While we had met Jason Momoa's Arthur Curry before, Aquaman was a completely different kind of film. Less superheroic and more fantasy-driven, it was an array of impressive underwater visuals, stunning set pieces, and epic water showdowns. It made it something of a visual masterpiece and a surprising adventure all in all. And, most important of all, it made Aquaman - perhaps DC's most unnecessarily dragged hero - a major point of success for not just the DCEU, but DC and Warner Bros. in general, as the film went on to become the most financially successful DC movie of all time.

Aquaman might not linger in your mind for long after you see it, but it does what it sets out to do when it has your attention: Immerse you in a thrilling adventure

23. Constantine

It's almost strange to look back on Constantine since it was a comic book movie in name only. It's bizarre to think that it came out in the same year as Batman Begins because both movies feel like they belong to completely different times, but that's almost why they work. While Batman Begins brought forth a new era for comic book movies, Constantine felt very '90s horror; which isn't surprising given that it was crafted during an era when superhero movies were far and few between.

The film is quite the departure from its source material and that understandably rubbed the comic book fans the wrong way. However, there is an appeal to Constantine that makes it incredibly watchable; not necessarily as a DC movie, but as a genreral supernatural horror movie. It's a bit all over the place, but it is carried by a thrilling (and yet underrated) performance from Keanu Reeves, who made his original interpretation of the character very endearing. And, as unlikely as it seems, we're getting a sequel because of the cult following that this one has amassed over the years. Good for Constantine.