How to read Ben Edlund's The Tick

The original comic book run of The Tick was great, although a little complicated for new readers.
Photo: The Tick: Season 2, Courtesy Amazon Studios
Photo: The Tick: Season 2, Courtesy Amazon Studios | e

The Tick is one of the greatest indie superheroes of all time. Published by NEC (New England Comics), originally a Boston-based comic book store, he has since been adapted into three different TV shows.

Ben Edlund, the creator of The Tick wrote and drew the original 12-issue run. The original run was collected in what is called The Complete Edlund Omnibus. Boasting 424 pages on its cover, the omnibus is an amazing piece for fans of The Tick.

Some of the greatest characters in The Tick mythos make their start here, including Arthur, Paul the Samurai, The Man Eating Cow, and The Terror. Edlund's world was amazing, with tons of fun characters and storylines that will be beloved for years to come.

The confusion for new readers is what is known as the Pseudo Edition. Edlund ran The Tick for 12 issues, which were fantastic but did not provide a conclusion to the final story arc. The final story arc concerned The Terror, the villain from Amazon Prime's The Tick. The Terror was much different in the comic book, leading a team of wacky villains, including the Multi Santa, in a crusade against The Tick.

Edlund's incomplete run led to the creation of the Pseudo Edition #13, a direct continuation of the story, although not written by Edlund himself. with Marc Silvia writing the script, and pencils done by Mychailo Kazybrid.

The Pseudo Edition completed the story, with The Tick and Arthur having a send-off to the original run. The Terror and his villain team faced off against the horde of superheroes from New York City, including Hand Grenade Man.

The Tick is an amazing character, who had an amazing start. The original run was so great in so many ways, and while it wasn't completed by Ben Edlund, it is certainly worth a read.