Synopsis: A cryptic message from the past leads James Bond (Daniel Craig) to Mexico City and Rome, where he meets the beautiful widow (Monica Bellucci) of an infamous criminal. After infiltrating a secret meeting, 007 uncovers the existence of the sinister organization SPECTRE. Needing the help of the daughter of an old nemesis, he embarks on a mission to find her. As Bond ventures toward the heart of SPECTRE, he discovers a chilling connection between himself and the enemy (Christoph Waltz) he seeks.
Daniel Craig's Bond films shift from receiving great critical acclaim to having mixed impressions with each entry. Unfortunately, Spectre fell right in the middle of two amazing films and it failed to live up to both of them. However, this isn't the worst James Bond movie under Craig's lead, and it's a good farewell to Sam Mendes' job as a director in the franchise.
Where to stream:
Where to rent/buy:
- Amazon: The movie can be rented for $3.99 or purchased for $14.99
- Apple TV: The movie can be rented for $3.99 or purchased for $14.99
- Google Play: The movie can be rented for $3.99 or purchased for $14.99
27. No Time to Die
Synopsis: James Bond is enjoying a tranquil life in Jamaica after leaving active service. However, his peace is short-lived as his old CIA friend, Felix Leiter, shows up and asks for help. The mission to rescue a kidnapped scientist turns out to be far more treacherous than expected, leading Bond on the trail of a mysterious villain who's armed with a dangerous new technology.
Not only is No Time To Die the last James Bond film to date to be released, but it's also a farewell to Daniel Craig's role as Agent 007. Fortunately, he went out with a bang thanks to this amazing adventure helmed by Cary Fukunaga. Even if its production was affected by COVID-19, you wouldn't notice it when watching the final result.
Where to stream:
Where to rent/buy:
- Amazon: The movie can be rented for $5.99 or purchased for $21.59
- Apple TV: The movie can be rented for $6.99 or purchased for $19.99
- Google Play: The movie can be rented for $6.99 or purchased for $19.99
- Microsoft: The movie can be rented for $5.99 or purchased for $19.99