Marvel Comics parodies Thor, major corporations, and more in Roxxon Presents: Thor

Al Ewing parodies the God of Thunder while sending an important message in Roxxon Presents: Thor.

Marvel Studios' THOR: RAGNAROK..Thor (Chris Hemsworth)..Ph: Teaser Film Frame..©Marvel Studios 2017
Marvel Studios' THOR: RAGNAROK..Thor (Chris Hemsworth)..Ph: Teaser Film Frame..©Marvel Studios 2017

The All-Father of Asgard is fighting two battles during Immortal Thor. The first is against the eldest gods of the universe. He defeated Toranos, the Utgard-Thor with the help of the Thor Corps (Storm, Beta Ray Bill, Loki, and Jane Foster). That was only his first fight. More Utgard gods are coming. The second is Roxxon and their CEO Dario Agger aka the Minotaur.

Thanks to Amora (the Enchantress), Agger found a way to take down Thor. He purchased Thor’s likeness and turned him into a parody. He talked like Thor but acted nothing like him. His only concern was making Roxxon money. He wore clothes with Roxxon’s logo, drove their trucks, and even put their name on Mjolnir. As wrong as that may seem, Roxxon Presents: Thor does an amazing job of making it entertaining.

Roxxon Presents: Thor was funny. Everything Thor did was an ad for Roxxon and was a shot at Elon Musk, Apple, and Jeff Bezos. There were jokes about their products being affordable for the low price of thousands of dollars, climate change being okay, and protesting being bad. Al Ewing knew what he was doing with his commentary. The message was clear, you were beat over the head with it, but it was still hilarious. Having Greg Land do the art made it even funnier.

Thor has been in more fights than most Marvel Comics characters. However, he’s never fought a corporation. This isn’t something he can defeat with punches and lightning (although it will come down to that). He’ll need help from the real Loki and the Executioner (who left Valhalla to help Thor).

Stories like this are why Al Ewing is a must-read writer. He finds a way to think outside of the box and make characters better (Immortal Hulk and Resurrection of Magneto for example). When Immortal Thor ends, Thor will come out a stronger and smarter hero than he came in. Stay tuned to Bam Smack Pow to find out how that happens.

Stay tuned to Bam Smack Pow to find out how that happens.

What do you think of this series? Was this issue too silly for you? Let us know on Bam Smack Pow's Instagram and Twitter.