8. "What If... Happy Hogan Saved Christmas?" (Season 2, episode 3)
Out of all the episodes in What If...? season 2, this is the one that felt like it could have taken place in the main MCU timeline. That's because it features many of the MCU's main characters doing roles similar to or equal to what they actually did in the MCU.
That makes "What If... Happy Hogan Saved Christmas?" a very nostalgic episode because it hits you with memories of the MCU's glory days and it's wonderful. It's also nice to see a Christmas special (because honestly TV doesn't have enough of those these days) as it allows it to start off with relatively low stakes, making for some fun banter between Jon Favreau's Happy Hogan and Kat Dennings' Darcy Lewis. It then builds nicely to the unwanted return of Justin Hammer and the mayhem that comes after that.
This episode is fun, and it's all about fun. That does leave it feeling a little pointless on occasion, but hey that's much of What If...?'s charm. It lasts a little longer than it needs to, with Happy's evolution into a Hulk taking up a bit too much time, but the payoff is worth the wait. It's also nice to see most of the original Avengers roster unite one more time.