Every X-Men ranked from weakest to strongest

Good or bad, there are X-Men with incredible powers and abilities out there, but there can only be one to take the number one spot.

akb_dtlra_stills_120415.089228 – Erik/Magneto (Michael Fassbender) has the power to manipulate magnetic fields. Photo Credit: Courtesy Twentieth Century Fox.
akb_dtlra_stills_120415.089228 – Erik/Magneto (Michael Fassbender) has the power to manipulate magnetic fields. Photo Credit: Courtesy Twentieth Century Fox.
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16. Nightcrawler

Nightcrawler, one of my personal favorite X-Men ever, is the indigo teleporter with a heart of gold and the agility of an Olympic gymnast and lands himself at spot number 16 among the strongest X-Men movie characters.

You're probably wondering why this blue-skinned, tail-swinging hero isn't dancing his way higher up the list. After all, with the ability to bamf in and out of danger and a prehensile tail that's handy for more than just hanging from the rafters, Kurt Wagner is no slouch in the superhero department. His ranking reflects a curious balance of incredible utility and certain limitations.

But why isn't our fuzzy elf higher up the ladder? Simply put, despite his astounding acrobatics and the element of surprise his teleportation affords him, Nightcrawler's powers come with their own set of caveats. For starters, his range is limited - he can't teleport to places he hasn't seen or can't clearly visualize, putting him at a disadvantage compared to some of his more omnipotent teammates who wield, say, weather manipulation or telepathy. Also, while his ability to dodge and weave through danger is incredible, his physical strength and combat skills, though impressive, don't quite match up to the raw power of the X-Men's heaviest hitters. This places him in a unique position: invaluable for reconnaissance, rescue, and surprise attacks, but not quite at the top when the going gets tough and the tough need to get going.

Nightcrawler, then, with his charm and tactical advantages, earns his spot at number sixteen, a testament to his strengths and a nod to his limitations in the grand X-scheme of things.