Moon Knight season 2 might be happening after all: Check out the exiting update from Marvel

Nearly two years after its premiere, we've finally gotten a hint from Marvel Studios that Moon Knight season 2 could be happening.
Moon Knight ©Marvel Studios 2022. All Rights Reserved.
Moon Knight ©Marvel Studios 2022. All Rights Reserved. /

It's been nearly two years since Moon Knight premiered on Disney+ and while Marvel Studios has yet to officially renew the show for a second season, it did just gift fans with the most promising update we've gotten since the show wrapped.

On March 5, Marvel Studios announced that Moon Knight season 1 will be getting a 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray release. When announcing the physical release of the show, the cover art for the release promoted the collection as "Moon Knight The Complete First Season." You might be saying, big deal but it actually is a big deal.

You see, when WandaVision arrived on 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray, Marvel promoted the release as the complete series which indicated no second season was planned for the show. The fact that the promotional art for Moon Knight's release bills it as the complete first season seems to suggest Marvel is working on a second season. After all, if there were no plans for season 2, there would be no reason for Marvel not to promote the physical release as Moon Knight: The Complete Series as well. This branding suggests that Marvel is not ready to close the book on Moon Knight which we truly hope is the case.

Kevin Feige hinted Moon Knight season 2 could be in the works last year

While Marvel likes to keep fans in the dark regarding its television slate, Marvel’s top boss Kevin Feige told Entertainment Weekly in February 2023 that he absolutely sees a future for Moon Knight in the future of the MCU.

"The fun thing about streaming is they are there forever, and people can keep re-exploring them. Moon Knight, same thing. I think there’s a future for that character as we move forward.”

Of course, over a year has passed since Feige's comments were made and there have been no updates on Moon Knight's future and what exactly that future might be. A second season of Moon Knight seems like the best way to bring the character back into the fold as this could allow the writers to continue to build up this unique corner of the MCU.

Season 1 was so perfect in telling an amazing self-contained storyline that made the show easily accessible to fans who had fallen behind on the broader MCU catalog. Season 2 would allow the space to tell another tight storyline centering around the title character and the amazing ensemble cast including Layla El-Faouly. It could also help pave the way for Moon Knight to jump to the big screen for Avengers 5, which is something we would all love to see happen down the line.

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