All 15 Spider-Man suits ranked from worst to best

We've witnessed many Spider-Man suits over the years. While some are breathtaking, others make you wonder how their design made it to the big screen. So it's time to separate the bad from the good and rank all the wall-crawler suits from worst to best.

Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) looks on at Spider-Man in Columbia Pictures' SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME. Courtesy of Sony Pictures. ©2021 CTMG. All Rights Reserved. MARVEL and all related character names: © & ™ 2021 MARVEL
Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) looks on at Spider-Man in Columbia Pictures' SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME. Courtesy of Sony Pictures. ©2021 CTMG. All Rights Reserved. MARVEL and all related character names: © & ™ 2021 MARVEL
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Tom Holland (Finalized)
Spider-Man in Columbia Pictures' SPIDER-MAN: ™ FAR FROM HOME

13. Stealth Suit

We need to talk about what makes an iconic and recognizable Spider-Man suit. For audiences to see a brand-new costume and think to themselves "This definitely belongs to Spidey", it would need to have two basic things: a spider symbol on the chest and leaf-shaped lenses. That's it, there's no need for more. Ideally, there would also be a web pattern scattered throughout, but it's not necessary since the comic book symbiote suit doesn't have one and everyone knows it belongs to the wall crawler.

Two things are not too much to ask from a Spider-Man suit, and even then the stealth suit from Far From Home failed to include one of them. Take out the lenses, and no one would guess the heavily padded costume was made for Peter Parker to wear in a high-production movie without it being his rookie suit.

Granted, there's a narrative reason why this design is made to look unrecognizable. It would be easy for the world to guess Spider-Man's secret identity if both he and Peter Parker happened to be in Europe at the same time, especially since both of them live in New York. However, there are still two fundamental problems with this look; First, Peter still ends up wearing a "classic" Spider-Man suit near the end of the movie despite being in Europe, completely blowing his cover and making the stealth suit useless. Second, and most importantly, it feels uninspired.

If Sony truly wanted to throw away everything that makes an iconic Spider-Man suit, they could've done so in a more spectacular way. There have been many weird Spider-Man suits over the years, and Far From Home had the perfect opportunity to use any of them instead of the bland look they went for.

What about creating a blue and white costume with white molecule patterns to adapt the Captain Universe suit? Or maybe going all-in and using the Noir design? Even throwing a paper bag on Peter's head and adapting the Bombastic Bag-Man would've been more entertaining. Yet, all we ended up with was a missed opportunity. That's not to say the suit looked bad in live-action, but it definitely could've been better.