The Flash: 10 most disliked couples, ranked

Some relationships on The Flash were just meant to be, but others were unbearable. Which ones did the fans dislike the most?
The Flash -- "Enter Zoom" -- Image FLA206A_0097b.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Malese Jow as Linda Park and Grant Gustin as The Flash -- Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW -- © 2015 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.
The Flash -- "Enter Zoom" -- Image FLA206A_0097b.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Malese Jow as Linda Park and Grant Gustin as The Flash -- Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW -- © 2015 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.
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8. Barry Allen and Linda Park

You want to talk about another relationship that just felt a roadblock on the inevitable West-Allen journey, Barry Allen's short-lived relationship with Linda Park wasn't a fan-favorite for multiple reasons.

The most obvious one for a fan watching the show, however, is the fact that it just didn't go anywhere. And yes, it succeeded in its purpose to show us that Barry wasn't ready to commit to a relationship when figuring himself (and his feelings for Iris West) out, but it was rather obvious from the start that the relationship was going nowhere - the complete opposite of Iris' relationship with Eddie, which actually had real emotional weight behind it.

Perhaps the biggest issue fans had with this one, though, was the fact that Linda Park is actually the love interest of Wally West in the comics, so it felt kind of odd seeing her attempt to start a relationship with a different Flash. It felt even weirder when Wally joined the show shortly after Linda's departure.

The Barry and Linda romance served its purpose, and provided us with nothing more than that.