The Master may be returning to Doctor Who in the most shocking way possible

There are hints of the return of Doctor Who's main rival the Master at the end of the 60th anniversary special "The Giggle" along with parts of the Christmas special.
Ncuti Gatwa Lights Up The London Eye For "Doctor Who"
Ncuti Gatwa Lights Up The London Eye For "Doctor Who" | Kate Green/GettyImages
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During the Doctor Who 60th anniversary special "The Giggle," antagonist the Toymaker was flexing his reality-altering powers. In one moment he explained that he had compressed the entirety of the Master into his gold tooth. At the end of the episode, when the Toymaker is folded away into a secure box, the gold tooth lands on the ground in which a hand is seen sneakily grabbing it and taking it away as maniacal laughter plays in the background.

But here's the thing. If you've been a Whovian for a while you might remember that moment during the Tennant era when the Master supposedly died but from the ashes the hand of Lucy Saxon (Master's wife at the time) could be seen picking up a special ring with a Fob Watch design on it that was used to bring the Master back again. Now, let's look at the moment where the tooth was picked up:

So here's the thing — it seems apparent that the Master is coming back and it might even be possible that Lucy Saxon will return, but the question isn't "will." It's "HOW." And I think I know. Brace yourself cause I'm going to get into it.

How the Master could return to Doctor Who

First, let's look at the Doctor's new companion, Ruby Sunday. Yeah, I hate the name, too, but let us move past that. Ruby was dropped off at the Church on Ruby Road by a mysterious woman. A DNA test years later showed that whoever Ruby's parents are they don't exist in any sort of records or database. And Ruby's appearance on Christmas Eve was such an interesting blip in time that it gained the attention of the Goblins who are attracted to interesting moments in time (despite having never shown up in Doctor Who, a show about interesting moments in time, before). They went after her, causing events in her life that, apparently, made another baby more tasty? Listen, Doctor Who is weird sometimes.

But what if that was intentional? What if someone put the child there KNOWING it would cause a time disturbance? They WANTED the child to go to the Doctor. What I'm saying is, what if the mysterious woman was Lucy Saxon who placed the child on the doorstep?

I want to point out that this is desperately what I want to happen so I might have bias. I think Alexandra Moen is such a remarkable talent and I'd love to see her back in Doctor Who. But let's look at how this would work story-wise.

So, firstly, much like me to my parents, the Master seems to exist solely to disappoint the Doctor. They will create such a charming, heart warming thing, only to then turn it around and use it to destroy everything breaking the Doctor's heart. It doesn't matter if the plan works, in fact, more often than not it's better if it fails so this way the destruction is practically for nothing.

So here's my big theory. What if, WHAT IF, the Master...pauses for dramatic effect...little more...wait for it...IS Ruby.

Let's play it out like a story. Imagine if somehow the Master actually figured out a way to regenerate into a newborn. Or, god forbid, the Master and Lucy actually had a kid. They get the Master's essence placed in something like a Gold Tooth (which seems silly until you realize it was previously stored in a ring) and then have him regenerated into the child.

You then take the baby, devoid of the Master's memories, and place them on a timeline that pretty much guarantees they'll not only be in the Doctor's line of sight but also that they become such an overwhelming good and whimsical person that the Doctor can't help but expect them to be a companion.

You get her on the TARDIS where she and the Doctor become close and she learns everything there is and the two of them grow a bond and then, suddenly, the Master's plan plays out, maybe Ruby loses a tooth, and it ends her at the dentist where she comes to with an unexpected gold tooth, one that leads to it slowly reawakening her as the Master.

But how could we assure this goal would work? Let's get into this on the next page.