Will Ashley become [Spoiler] in The Boys season 5?

Ashley Barrett took Compound V during the season 4 finale of The Boys. Does her transformation leave a hint of her connection to a member of The Seven in the comics?
The Boys - Episode 302 - “The Only Man In The Sky” Courtesy Prime Video
The Boys - Episode 302 - “The Only Man In The Sky” Courtesy Prime Video

A lot happened during the season 4 finale of The Boys. Among them was Ashley Barrett taking a shot of Compound V after hearing that she was on the list of people Homelander wanted dead. The problem with taking any V is that the results are random. You could become as strong as Homelander, as fast as A-Train, or end up with hammer hands like Groundhawk. Unfortunately for Ashley, taking the shot was the only way to save her life.

After Ashley takes the shot, her head grows and her wig falls off. It’s like her brain was growing out of her skull. It’s easy to think that she’ll develop telepathy or telekinesis. Telepathy would keep her a step ahead of Homelander at all times. However, another way to stay alive is to become invulnerable. Jack from Jupiter is the only character in The Boys comic book that can do that.

If you watched The Boys: Diabolical, you may remember seeing Jack From Jupiter on stage with members of The Seven. There’s one issue with that. Showrunner Eric Kripke said that only three episodes of the animated spinoff are canon to the live-action show ("Nubian vs Nubian", "John and Sun-Hee", and "One Plus One Equals Two"). The episode with Jack from Jupiter is “I'm Your Pusher”, meaning that the character has not yet appeared in The Boys’ live-action universe.

Who is Jack from Jupiter?

First, no, he isn’t an alien. Jack From Jupiter is one of the original members of The Seven in the comics (along with Black Noir, Homelander, Queen Maeve, The Deep, Mister Marathon, and Lamplighter). In terms of power, however, he’s one of the weakest. What puts him on The Seven is his ability to become invulnerable. To quote Butcher, once he says “Carpo” you can’t get an anti-tank through his skin. Other than that, he couldn’t beat anyone. There are two examples of this during The Boys' comic book storyline The Big Ride.

First, The Deep slaps him and Jack is floored quickly; it's worth noting that any other member of The Seven wouldn’t go down that easily. The second came when Butcher killed him because all he had to do was cover Jack’s mouth and he was helpless. 

Is Ashley the show's version of Jack from Jupiter?

If Ashely develops any kind of powers from taking Compound V, invulnerability makes sense. She's is a popular character, so keeping her alive until the end helps keep viewers invested. Since Homelander isn’t nearly as powerful as his comic book counterpart, being unable to hurt her wouldn't be unbelievable.

Second, Jack and Ashley are known for their sexual freedom. Jack was doing different things sexually during Herogams and his trips to Doc Pecular’s in the comics. As you may have seen in The Boys, Ashley is sexually free and proud. Having her portray Jack From Jupiter would show a healthier side to sex that some see as wrong or unconventional. 

Writer's note. Hughie did not consent to Ashley during episode 6, but Ashley was unaware of the situation.

Adding Ashley (or Jacquline from Jupiter) on the Seven means the roster is only short one member. Homelander, Black Noir, Firecracker, The Deep, and  Sage make six. However, if Ryan joins, the roster is complete. Ryan feels safe with Vought and leaves Butcher after killing Mallory.

Explaining Ashley's new appearance or absence is easy. Saying Ashley was a superhero the entire time or that she’s an alien are possibilities. They both help Vought and the American government. Plus, Ashley gets to live for one more season.

Stay tuned to Bam Smack Pow to see what’s next for Ashley Barrett

Who will Ashley Barrett play in season 5 of The Boys? Do you think there will be a connection to the comic book? Let us know on the Bam Smack Pow Instagram and Twitter.