It's been almost three years since the Wonder Woman game was announced - where is it?

The 2021 Game Awards gave us a teaser trailer for DC's upcoming Wonder Woman game. The teaser was short, and did not include any gameplay, but it was cause for excitement.
Absolute Wonder Woman No 1. Image courtesy DC Comics
Absolute Wonder Woman No 1. Image courtesy DC Comics

Wonder Woman is perhaps the DC character most deserving of her own game. Batman and Superman have had their own games in the past, as well as Justice League and Injustice games, which feature a wider variety of heroes to play as.

There is a ton of potential for the Wonder Woman game. Swordplay, the in-depth world of DC, and the potential for the Lasso of Truths or Wonder Woman's bracelets make her a perfect candidate for a game. There are any number of genres the game could explore, most notably perhaps a fantasy RPG, or an action-adventure affair.

The world of DC, more specifically the world of Wonder Woman, is the perfect setting for an RPG or adventure game. Even just Themyscira is the perfect place to play host to a swordplay-based adventure.

Another big question surrounding the game is the when. Wonder Woman can take place anywhere from World War 1 (a la the Wonder Woman movie) to the modern day. Whichever time period the game chooses to go with will come with its own advantages.

Going with the 1920s will result in something resembling the Wonder Woman movie, a unique aesthetic for a superhero game. Going with something like the 1980s, (similar to another Wonder Woman movie) could lead to a nostalgia rich game. A modern-day Wonder Woman could feature other Justice League members, whether for cameos or bigger story roles. Anyone from Aquaman to Martian Manhunter would be on the table.

It's been a long time since any updates on the Wonder Woman game have been given, but the excitement for the game is certainly there. Wonder Woman is possibly the best candidate for a superhero game, and she is certainly deserving. Whenever it releases, the Wonder Woman game is sure to be an exciting and bold leap forward for superhero video games.