10 worst Marvel movies ever made, ranked

From MCU misfires to failed TV movies, let's take a look at the worst and most disappointing Marvel movies of all time.
Chris Hemsworth as Thor in Marvel Studios' THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER. Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios. ©Marvel Studios 2022. All Rights Reserved.
Chris Hemsworth as Thor in Marvel Studios' THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER. Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios. ©Marvel Studios 2022. All Rights Reserved. /
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2. Fantastic Four

I think I can safely say that absolutely nobody is surprised to see the 2015 Fantastic Four movie featured so highly on this list. The fact that it was even as recent as 2015 still baffles me, because we were well past this era of superhero movie at that point, and yet somehow Fox managed to squeeze this out so that the characters' movie rights wouldn't revert back to Marvel.

Fantastic Four is a grim, soulless movie that does a huge disservice to its central characters. It isn't fun, light-hearted, or even remotely enjoyable, and comic book fans have absolutely no problem making their opinions on it clear. It's now widely regarded as one of the worst superhero movies ever made, and quite possibly one of the worst movies ever made.

A Fantastic Four movie doesn't have to be gimmicky or overly silly (that's what the previous two movies had done a decent job of), it just has to be fun, and the 2015 adaptation of the characters and their story completely misunderstood that. It also struggled to give its cast anything worthy of their performances, and its interpretaton of Doctor Doom was also a misfire.

I don't hate the movie as much as everyone else seems to, but a Fantastic Four movie it is not.