X-Men: In the end, Storm is the one who saved the day

When the X-Men are in trouble, there's always one person they can count on and she delivers again. Just as things seem hopeless, Storm appears like the goddess she is.
Storm (voiced by Alison Sealy-Smith) in Marvel Animation's X-MEN '97. Photo courtesy of Marvel Animation. © 2024 MARVEL.
Storm (voiced by Alison Sealy-Smith) in Marvel Animation's X-MEN '97. Photo courtesy of Marvel Animation. © 2024 MARVEL.

The X-Men have been through it in the pages of Marvel Comics. They always are, to be honest, but in recent months, they've been having a particularly tough time because of the fact that Nimrod and his A.I. have constantly found ways to one-up and defeat them. The enemies have tarnished their name more than ever, killed their friends, and were close to taking over Earth. Nimrod had even run billions of scenarios in his head. However, he didn't anticipate the X-Men's resilience. Beaten, bloody, killed, and separated, and that didn’t stop the X-Men; they didn’t know how to quit and that's how they won.

Storm hits Nimrod with a bolt of lightning so hard that all of his duplicates felt it. Around the world, the X-Men were coming together to destroy the remaining Nimrod sentinels. Magento and Polaris came together to form a magnetic field that even Nimrod himself couldn’t overcome. Synch mimicked Storm’s power to enhance the lighting.

It was all but over, yet the X-Men showed compassion. Of course, their enemy didn’t listen and was ultimately destroyed. 

""If you find yourself wandering back into this life, I suggest you shun death, and explore light and love." "

The fight continues

As amazing as that saga was for X-Men fans, the battle isn’t over. Moira X, Mother Righteous, and Dominion are still out there. That battle will likely conclude in Rise of the Powers of X. Plus, there's Charles Xavier. He leaves the Orchis ship and says this was his plan all along. However, it’s doubtful anyone will forgive him for everything that has happened in the past few months, especially Wolverine.

Xavier’s betrayal sent Kate Pryde on a downward spiral of anger and killing. Kate said she couldn’t kill Xavier, but if you know Wolverine, you'll know he has no problem getting the job done (read X-Men No. 34 for this story). At some point, the two will see each other again. What happens next remains to be seen.

Stay tuned to Bam Smack Pow to see how X-Men: Fall of X ends.

Have you enjoyed the X-Men's Fall of X storyline? Was the final battle between Storm, the X-Men and Nimrod everything you wanted it to be? Tell us on our social pages, including Instagram and Twitter.