With The Rise of Skywalker traveling at lightspeed into theaters across the world, what better time than now to rank the Star Wars films. of the Skywalker Saga.
Beginning in1977 as a young filmmaker simply wanting to make something based on the things he loved, Star Wars has endured 42 years later. It’s one of the biggest franchises in the world and one of the most recognizable juggernauts in the media landscape. However, just like any franchise, there have been highs and lows when it comes to the quality of the franchise as a whole. So with the final chapter of “The Skywalker Saga” now in theaters, this is a perfect time to rank all the films in said saga.
Some ground rules first, though. This list will only contain the films that consist of “The Skywalker Saga,” so Rogue One and Solo will not be included. They’d be in the middle of the ranking at five and seven, respectively, if they were included. And it should also be stated that each and every one of them has issues and problems, some more than others, but this writer doesn’t find any to be truly bad. In the end, this list will also differ from whoever reads it, so let us know your list down in the comments. Now, to quote Anakin Skywalker, “This is where the fun begins.”