Superman and Lois season 4 episode 7 recap and ending explained: [SPOILER]'s identity revealed

With just four episodes left to go, Superman and Lois season 4 sets the stage for a game-changing series finale.
Superman & Lois -- “A Regular Guy” -- Image Number: SML407a_0422r -- Pictured (L-R): Tyler Hoechlin as Clark Kent, and Elizabeth Tulloch as Lois Lane -- Photo: Colin Bentley/The CW -- © 2024 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Superman & Lois -- “A Regular Guy” -- Image Number: SML407a_0422r -- Pictured (L-R): Tyler Hoechlin as Clark Kent, and Elizabeth Tulloch as Lois Lane -- Photo: Colin Bentley/The CW -- © 2024 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

We are just four episodes away from the conclusion of Superman and Lois (three if you have already seen this particular episode), and the show is continuing to place the focus on the humanity of the story. If you've been watching since the beginning, you'll know that it has a reputation for doing that - and it isn't hard to see why given how well it pulls it off time and time again.

This season has been all about the show's core group of characters, how they are dealing with the arrival of Lex Luthor in Smallville, and how the Kent-Lane-Irons family are constantly confronted with their own mortality. Superman himself has been facing that too, perhaps more than anyone; as the Man of Steel was literally killed by Doomsday, and even though he was resurrected, the humanity of Sam Lane's heart - which beats inside his chest - has forced Clark Kent to deal with the fact that he's a lot more human than ever before. A good thing for someone whose humanity has always been his greatest strength, but not when you're facing off against your greatest nemesis who longs for nothing but torment of you and your family.

That continues to play into the seventh episode, as "A Regular Guy" has Clark attempt to deal with his newfound mortality, all while balancing the idea of the residents of Smallville figuring out that he is really Superman. It's a complicated character journey for the Man of Steel, but one that he attempts to take on anyway.

This article contains MAJOR SPOILERS for Superman and Lois season 4 episode 7. Don't read on if you would prefer it wasn't spoiled.

A Regular Guy

"A Regular Guy" is all about Clark Kent's commitment to the secret he has been keeping his whole life. With people in Smallville beginning to suspect that he is the Man of Steel, he has been going around town convincing them otherwise, including a rather hilarious moment where he puts on the full Clark Kent klutz act and "injures" himself in front of Coach Gaines to throw him off the scent. Once again a masterclass in why Tyler Hoechlin is the definitive Clark Kent of this generation (and perhaps any other).

But the walls start closing in when Jonathan and Jordan are confronted in town by Timmy Ryan, the student from season 2 that was using X-Kryptonite to enhance his powers. He accused them of "cheating" at sports because they were the Superboys and holds a grudge against Jonathan for that past incident with the X-K. The reason he suddenly knows their secret also came from that night when Doomsday arrived in Smallville, as he saw Jordan fly off with his father's body in the season premiere. Clark is frustrated by this and attempts to make the boys convince Timmy and his mother otherwise. They are successful in doing so, but Jon and Jordan feel awful for lying (and essentially getting their former friend into trouble with his mother for "lying" when he was being truthful).

Superman and Lois season 4 episode 6, A Regular Guy
Superman & Lois -- “A Regular Guy” -- Image Number: SML407a_0125r -- Pictured (L-R): Alexander Garfin as Jordan Kent, Michael Bishop as Jonathan Kent -- Photo: Colin Bentley/The CW -- © 2024 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Clark is particularly hard on the boys when he learns that Jordan told Candice Pergande about their family secret. Yes, it helped sustain her relationship with Jonathan, but it may have put the secret at risk - and, as Lois informs the boys, that secret has cost Clark friendships in the past, so they need to understand that, and be prepared for the same thing to happen to their relationships throughout their lives.

It all comes to a head when Clark and Lois take Kyle and Chrissy out for dinner to tell them that they will help with the payment on their new home, as Lois offers to buy Chrissy's half of the Smallville Gazette to stop her from selling (with the promise that Chrissy will remain on as co-editor and can buy back her half in the future if she wants to). But as they celebrate, Emmitt Pergande - Candice's father - walks in and threatens Clark with a gun in front of everyone, now fully aware that he is Superman.

He fires, forcing Clark to confront the truth he had been trying to protect his whole life. In slow motion, he watches the bullet come towards him and turns to Lois with a smile. With that, he opens his shirt, revealing the Superman suit underneath. The bullet hits the House of El symbol and crushes itself against his solid chest. When things return to normal, there in Vicky Mays, stands Superman, the Man of Steel. Clark Kent.

Superman and Lois season 4 episode 7 recap, A Regular Guy
Superman & Lois -- “A Regular Guy” -- Image Number: SML407a_0346r -- Pictured (L-R): Alexander Garfin as Jordan Kent, Tyler Hoechlin as Clark Kent, Elizabeth Tulloch as Lois Lane, and Michael Bishop as Jonathan Kent -- Photo: Colin Bentley/The CW -- © 2024 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Clark apologizes for not telling everyone the truth but he sees this as an opportunity to be honest with the whole world. And with that, Lois calls Janet at the Daily Planet and they have a tell-all interview where Clark reveals his true identity to the whole world. It's a game-changing moment that will alter the course of the Kents' lives, but it's one that they made as a family, aware of how the secret has affected their relationships in the past; now it no longer can.

Throughout the episode, we were treated to more flashbacks of Clark and Lois' time at the Daily Planet. It turns out that Janet Olsen's brother is, of course, Jimmy Olsen, who wanted Clark to be a part of his baseball team. Clark was reluctant because of how he would eventually have to make excuses to explain his absences but he agreed to it anyway, forming a bond with Jimmy. It went very well in the beginning but when Jimmy started asking questions, suspecting that Clark's absences were due to his double life as Superman, Clark lied and missed their final game (without doing any heroics) to throw Jimmy off the scent. It worked, but it ended their friendship.

But now, back in the present, with the secret out in the open, the first thing that Clark did was have Janet arrange a get-together between him and Jimmy. Clark Kent entered Vicky Mays without glasses, attracting some looks of surprise from the people there; but it didn't matter because, at the back of the café, Jimmy Olsen - his best friend - was waiting for him with a smile and a hug.

The Secret Is Out

It's hard to put into words just how monumental that episode of Superman and Lois is. "A Regular Guy" turned the show - and Superman's very premise - on its head, revealing one of the biggest secrets in the DC Universe to the whole world. It was a real surprise, but it was also a long time coming for Clark Kent.

Superman and Lois season 4 episode 7, A Regular Guy
Superman & Lois -- “A Regular Guy” -- Image Number: SML407a_0422r -- Pictured (L-R): Tyler Hoechlin as Clark Kent, and Elizabeth Tulloch as Lois Lane -- Photo: Colin Bentley/The CW -- © 2024 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

What this episode showed us was that keeping this secret has taken a huge toll on the Man of Steel's life. Yes, he confided in Lois, and eventually the pair told their children Jonathan and Jordan, but as Lois pointed out in this episode, he also lost friendships too. Jimmy Olsen was the perfect example of that because, even when he figured out the truth for a moment, Clark had to lie to put the genie back in the bottle. It kept the secret but it cost him a friendship; just like it almost cost Jonathan his relationship with Candice and impacted Jordan's previous relationship with Sarah.

It's also a huge weight to have to carry, with the fear of somebody finding it out and potentially holding it over them. In fact, it was Lex Luthor's discovery of the secret earlier this season that forced this entire situation, as he was the one who told Emmitt Pergande in the first place (not Candice). But by playing his hand, it forced the Kents to take action - and take control of the situation - by being honest in front of the whole world.

The Kents can now live their lives without the secret hanging over them. They are free from the weight of carrying it and the fear that someone else might find out. It's a brave new world for them, one that - although an end of a previous chapter - is the beginning of a brand new chapter. One of honesty, fearlessness, and being 100% their authentic selves.

Superman and Lois season 4 airs new episodes on The CW on Monday nights at 8/7c.