Ultimate X-Men and the best comic books of the week

Ultimate X-Men No. 9 introduces a new character to the Ultimate Universe, Starscream becomes more sympathetic in Transformers No. 14, and more from the five best comic books of the week.
Ultimate X-Men #1 | Official Trailer | Marvel Comics
Ultimate X-Men #1 | Official Trailer | Marvel Comics | Marvel Entertainment

Uncanny X-Men was undoubtedly the best comic book of the week. It was a shining example of amazing writing (Gail Simone) and artwork (David Marquez) coming together to deliver the absolute best combination imaginable. It was so good that it deserved its own article (you can read it here).

But Uncanny X-Men wasn’t the only comic book worth reading. This week, Marvel and Skybound / Image Comics dominated the best of the week. And thus, let's dive into them!

Ultimate X-Men No. 9 (Pick of the week)

  • Writer: Peach Momoko
  • Artist: Peach Momoko

Peach Momoko’s Ultimate X-Men has been a slow, but enjoyable build. They’ve made it a point to develop the characters’ personalities and their world first before getting into the hardship of being a mutant. That changes in issue No. 9 when the news learned that there’s a cult called The Children of the Atom. To make matters worse, they're reporting that mutants are dangerous.

""I'm Akihiro... the first Homo Superior. I've given my blood... my power... my everything to the Children of the Atom." "

Another major part of the story is learning who the first mutant was. In the original Ultimate Universe, Wolverine was the first mutant created, ultimately leading to others (read Ultimate Origins for that story). This time, Akihiro is giving his blood to make more mutants. On Earth-616, Akihiro is Wolverine's son. It’s a nice twist since Akihiro is Japanese in the main continuity.

G.I. Joe No. 1

  • Writer: Joshua Williamson
  • Artist: Tom Reilly

Skybound/Image Comics have heavily promoted the debut of G.I. Joe No.1. Thankfully, it lived up to the hype. The comic brought the team together for the first time in this universe, but it didn’t go well. They’re not working as a team, their tech isn’t fully operational, and someone may have died on their first mission. However, all of that’s what made this issue special.

""Even in a training simulation, we almost died! Surely any real battle will be our graveyard!" "

The protagonists have to look bad before they can be dominant. The story wouldn’t work if they prevailed right out of the gate. It isn't realistic. Readers will now see them go from zeroes to heroes like the Hercules song.

Amazing Spider-Man No. 61

  • Writer: Joe Kelly
  • Artist: Ed McGuinness

The Zeb Wells era of Amazing Spider-Man is over, and the team of Joe Kelly and Ed McGuinness (Deadpool) are now in charge. What better way to start the series than with Spider-Man working with Doctor Doom? How about Spidey fighting the 8 Scions of Cyttorak and dying eight times?

""Nothing in magic comes without a cost... the cost of defying the very foundation of mortal existence... is pain. inconceivable pain." "

If that's not enough, Peter Parker's first death was him being pulled apart by a black hole. Phil Coulson (who became Death during 2024’s Infinity Watch) says “spaghettification” is one of the rarest and most excruciating deaths. That was only his first. Imagine what the rest will be. 

NYX No. 5

  • Writers: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing
  • Artist: Francesco Mortarino
""But if we stand together... if we choose every day to protect each other... then we can be a city for everyone." "
Kamala Khan

This was more than just a comic book. It was a message to the world. Violence isn’t how you beat hate. The only way to do that is with love. Ms. Marvel, Sophie, Anole, Prodigy, and Wolverine (Laura) didn’t attack those who despised them. They peacefully organized mutants against the Truth Seekers to show that the people who hate them are wrong. It was a powerful comic book that perfectly represented what the X-Men stands for.

Transformers No. 14

  • Writer: Daniel Warren Johnson
  • Artist: Jason Howard

The previous issue of Transformers showed the origin of Starscream’s name and why he joined the Decepticons. Writer Daniel Warren Johnson continued that tale by showing where Starscream’s bloodlust and hatred for Megatron came from. It originated from Megatron himself.

""Never again will I be the property of anyone! I will be the master of my own destiny! The captain of my own fate""

The Decepticon leader used mind control to force Starscream to kill for him. As time went on, Starscream started to revel in the slaughter. However, you can tell that leads to his disdain for his boss. Let's see how he reacts when Megatron returns. He may still have control over him.

What comic books are you reading this week? Is there a series that wasn't on here? Let us know on the Bam Smack Pow Instagram and Twitter.