Uncanny X-Men, Wolverine, and the best X-comic books of February 2025

Before the start of the Marvel Comics crossover X-Men: X-Manhunt, make sure you read the best X-titles of February 2025. Among them are Wolverine by Saladin Ahmed and Storm by Murewa Ayodele.
X-Men: X-Manhunt | Official Trailer | Marvel Comics
X-Men: X-Manhunt | Official Trailer | Marvel Comics | Marvel Entertainment

February was another great month for X-Men and mutant fans. On top of the hints of the upcoming crossover X-Men: X-Manhunt that we were given, there were a ton of great X-titles to enjoy.

Beyond the ones we're about to dive into on this list, Alyssa Wong’s Psylocke, Jed MacKay’s X-Men, and Ultimate X-Men (written and illustrated by Peach Momoko) were all amazing Marvel Comics titles featuring Marvel’s Mightiest Mutants.

But the following six were the best of the month.

X-Book of the month

  • Comic book: NYX No. 8
  • Writers: Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing
  • Art by: Francesco Mortarino
  • Colorist: Raul Angulo

In this issue, Laura Kinney (Wolverine) is forced to confront her past with Julian Keller (Hellion) while Keller deals with his insecurities. In the end, both of them learn the truth. Laura isn’t responsible for Julian turning evil. As for Julian, he finally realizes that he isn’t the villain he is or wants to be.

Another part of the story that made me smile was the moment between Laura and Kiden Nixon. Kiden seems to be in love with Laura and the feelings seem mutual. Without her advice to Laura, Hellion would’ve been going to Graymalkin prison. While it’s a sweet moment, we need to pay attention to Kiden. She seems a bit jealous of Laura’s relationship with Julian. Hopefully, this doesn’t end badly.

NYX continues to be a series that’s more about healing than fighting. Some readers may not like that there’s more talking and healing than punching and kicking, but not every comic needs a physical fight. Sometimes the internal struggle can be just as good.

Romulus is back

  • Comic book: Wolverine No. 6
  • Writer: Saladin Ahmed
  • Art by: Martin Coccolo
  • Colorist: Bryan Valenza

Saladin Ahmed bringing Romulus back into Logan’s life was this writer’s favorite X-Men moment of the month. With Sabretooth dead (for now) Wolverine needs someone who can challenge him. In this case, it will be more than just a physical fight. Romulus’ experience on top of his jealousy and thirst for revenge will keep Logan on his toes and make for an epic series.

Saladin Ahmed’s Daredevil, Black Bolt, and Miles Morales: Spider-Man are all reasons to put your faith in what he’s doing. Adding in Romulus' connection to the false metal and an elder makes the story more intriguing. No way this misses.

A big win

  • Comic book: Uncanny X-Men No. 10
  • Writer: Gail Simone
  • Art by: Andrei Bressan
  • Colorist: Matthew Wilson

The new young mutants The Outliers have been taking losses or needing the help of the elder X-Men to win fights. Without any of the adults to help them, they had to survive on their own and win. They didn’t just defeat the villains. It happened on TV with people cheering them on. This was a victory for them and all mutants.

Gail Simone has made her newest heroes more than side characters. Each of them has memorable personalities, interesting powers, secrets, and tons of potential. I can’t wait to see what they do next in this series and beyond.

Cosmic Phoenix

  • Comic book: Phoenix No. 8
  • Writer: Stephanie Phillips
  • Art by: Alessandro Miracolo
  • Colorist: David Curiel

Stephanie Phillips has teased the arrival of Cosmic Phoenix and it finally happened. Out of a ball of fire and energy, Jean rose once again and was more powerful than before. But not before coming to terms with her past and accepting that she needs to help herself along with the rest of the universe.

Stephanie Phillips announced that Phoenix would continue after the initial run was supposed to end. This is great news beyond it being an amazing series. Characters like Jean Grey and Storm are more than their teams and individual titles like this prove it. Plus, more people will recognize Stephanie Phillips is a writer you can trust.

Cosmic Storm

  • Comic book: Storm No. 5
  • Writer: Murewa Ayodele
  • Art by: Lucas Werneck
  • Colorist: Alex Gomes

Speaking of cosmic mutants, Storm is getting a taste of what comes with that and it’s a gift and a curse. The curse is there’s a being controlling her. The gift is they don’t have absolute power over her. When they tried to use Storm’s body to kill Dr. Doom, she resisted because Victor was unarmed. It was a reminder that Ororo’s will can hold back the strongest of beings.

In April, the creative team of writer Murewa Ayodele and artist Luciano Vecchio will put Storm against the pantheon of Thunder Gods. Her power upgrade will be needed in this story. However, without it, Storm would find a way to come out of this victorious.

Shapeshifter no more

  • Comic book: Mystique No. 5
  • Writer: Declan Shalvey
  • Art by: Declan Shalvey
  • Colorist: Matt Hollingsworth

The conclusion of Declan Shalvey’s Mystique proved that Raven Darkholme (Mystique) saying she’d do whatever it took to protect her wife Destiny wasn’t all talk. After abusing the upgrades she got from Fabian Cortez, Raven's body falls apart and leaves her unable to move let alone use her shape-shifting abilities. When Destiny asked if it was worth it, Raven said, “Worth every…delicious…moment.”

Stay tuned to Bam Smack Pow and follow us on our social media pages (Bluesky, Instagram, andTwitter) for more X-Men and Marvel Comics news as it comes out.