5 worst CGI moments in Spider-Man movies, ranked

We've watched many stellar Spider-Man movies across the years, but that doesn't mean they have flawless CGI as these 5 examples prove.
Tom Holland stars as Spider-Man in Columbia Pictures' SPIDER-MAN™: HOMECOMING.
Tom Holland stars as Spider-Man in Columbia Pictures' SPIDER-MAN™: HOMECOMING.
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We all know he does whatever a spider can, but sometimes it's not in the most realistic way possible.

Ever since Spider-Man made his debut in 1962, comic book readers dreamed of watching him swing across buildings and climb on the side of walls in real life. Fortunately, all those hopes finally materialized the day Sam Raimi and Tobey Maguire teamed up to create one of the most iconic superhero movies ever. Since Spider-Man (2002) premiered, audiences worldwide finally learned what it's like to watch the wall-crawler in live-action — recreating the adventures that once were only on paper and ink. And how was that achieved? Through CGI, of course.

Thanks to some computer wizardry, a lot of talent, and even more effort, Spider-Man is able to live and breathe in our world through the big screen. When watching one of its movies (whether that is with Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield, or Tobey Maguire on the lead), we are pulled into an amazing superhero fantasy that doesn't slow down and makes the impossible a reality. Supervillains like the Vulture fly, while Peter Parker is able to lift cars with his own bear hands. It all seems so tangible... until a bad GCI scene pulls us completely out of the experience.

On the bright side, Spider-Man movies tend to have amazing special effects (for the most part, that is). Sam Raimi's saga went the practical route for many shots — allowing for an incredible realism that has aged surprisingly well more than 20 years later. The Amazing Spider-Man franchise is a visually astounding feat that has yet to be surpassed to this very date. The MCU's iteration of the wall-crawler has suffered the most out of the three when it comes to poor CGI, but it still has some moments of brilliance. However, there's no denying all three franchises have tripped over at some point, and that's what we're here to discuss today. What are the worst VFX moments in Spider-Man movies? There might not be a whole lot of options to choose from, but we gathered the top 5 and it's time to break them all down.

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