First Look At Jean Grey, Jubilee In X-Men: Apocalypse


Want to see a brand new character in the X-Men movie franchise and a recast version of a beloved favorite in one pic? Bryan Singer thinks you do, and since he’s the director of X-Men: Apocalypse, he’s in a unique position to do something about it.

Earlier today, Singer shared the following image on his Instagram account:

That’s newcomer Lana Condor on the left, and darn if she doesn’t look like she just stepped out of the comics as Jubilee. It looks like she’ll even get to be a mall rat like her comics counterpart if the other set photos are any indication.

On the right is Sophie Turner as Jean Grey, taking over for Famke Janssen, who we last saw (briefly) at the end of X-Men: Days of Future Past. Grey, Cyclops (now played by Tye Sheridan) and Storm (Alexandra Shipp) were all recast this time around, though Singer had indicated they will have large roles and are very much part of the main cast.

Principal photography for X-Men: Apocalypse is now underway, and while the movie is still a year away from release, given Singer’s proclivity for giving glimpses of what’s going on, it may be worth your time to give him a follow on Instagram if you’re a big X-fan.


Next: See Nightcrawler in X-Men: Apocalypse

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