DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow Season 2, Episode 6 Synopsis: “Outlaw Country”


This week on DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, the team reunites with Jonah Hex.

Last week on DC’s Legends of Tomorrow‘s “Compromised” episode, the Legends traveled to the happenin’ ’80s. It was shoulder pads, Miami Vice suits, and some Cutting Crew. The mission? Stop Damien Darhk from messing up a nuclear disarmament treaty between the US and the Soviet Union.

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As always, things don’t go as planned. First, Sara was still out for vengeance for Damien’s murdering of Laurel. Second, Martin’s younger self was not where he was supposed to be—with his wife Clarissa, celebrating her birthday.

Sara eventually came around and understood that, above protecting time, her conscience also needed to be preserved. Martin, had a good talking with his younger self, reinforcing that Clarissa will be the most important thing in his life.

In the end, Sara allowed Damien to live, giving him the foreboding message that he will lose everything one day (events on Arrow‘s Season 4 finale “Schism“). However, Damien may be able to change all that. The final scenes show Eobard Thawne and Damien partnering up to benefit both their futures.

This week, we may get a glimpse of what those two are planning. And the Legends themselves will be returning to the Old West where they’ll be reunited with fan-favorite Jonah Hex. Here’s the official synopsis:

“Outlaw Country”

"STRENGTH AND WEAKNESS — The Legends are still reeling from the news that their time travel-nemesis is a speedster when they are alerted to an Aberration in the Old West. When the Legends arrive they find their old friend Jonah Hex (guest star Jonathan Schaech) in trouble with his arch-nemesis, Quentin Turnbull (guest star Jeff Fahey).The team soon discovers that they need to stop Turnbull and his gang from conquering the West and branding it his own lawless territory. To Hex’s surprise, Sara (Caity Lotz) is in charge and dispatches the team. Rory (Dominic Purcell) is ecstatic to be in the Wild West, but Sara makes Amaya (Maisie Richardson-Sellers) work with him to keep him on task, which is easier said than done. Meanwhile, Nate (Nick Zano), Ray (Brandon Routh) and Jax (Franz Drameh) try to infiltrate Turnball’s gang, but find themselves in a shootout leaving Nate’s confidence shaken."

And, of course, the promo for the episode:

Next: Catch up with a recap of 'Compromised'

Enjoy this week’s episode, and check back with us on Friday morning for our full recap and review. Also, on theStream.tv, our friends will be doing Legends of Tomorrow After Shows. The excitement continues on Fridays as theStream.tv also gives fans a weekly round-up of The CW’s superhero universe—Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow, and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow—with their DC TV Universe special.

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow airs on The CW on Thursdays at 8:00 p.m. EST.